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Family Portrait


RO-DBT is an evidence based treatment for those with excessive self-control and a reserved style of relating to others.  Disorders that benefit from this treatment include:

  • Anxiety

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • Chronic Depression

  • Obsessive Compulsive PD

  • Anorexia Nervosa

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders 

  • Alcohol and Substance Use

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Some of the characteristics of what this treatment helps with includes being:

  • more open to new experiences and feedback that is otherwise felt to be critical,

  • able to adapt to situations that are changing, and

  • connected (vs. contact) to at least one other person in a meaningful way.


Here is what those that have been in RO-DBT have said…

“Having been through several different therapies (CBT, standard DBT, counselling) this was by far the one that made a lot more sense :)”


“It's hard-going but a worthwhile commitment. I've had many years of psychiatrists watching brief and twiddling with medication which has either been unhelpful, disastrous, or pointless from my perspective. This has been in depth purposeful help to understand myself much better and equip me with skills to challenge myself and thinking.”


“Just thank you… My challenge is to remain safe and well and I feel much more skilled to achieve this”

“RO DBT has changed my life dramatically. I am no longer depressed and have the ability of choice in my life (flexible mind). Before RO DBT I was very fixed and was in a deep depression, unable to make the changes I so desperately needed.”

So you may be wondering, what is all the fuss? You are invited to call Dr. Maynard and find out if it is right for you.  Call him today at 859-229-8222!

Radically Open DBT: About Us


While we live in an age where we have never been more connected, it seems we live in an age where we have never been more disconnected and lonely. Loneliness can become a little complicated, and in this episode, I introduce you to Dr. Thomas Lynch and his wife, Erica, and the treatment they have developed to target this malady that plagues so many people.

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