Radically Open DBT Skills Training is designed to teach participants how alleviate such problems as chronic, refractory depression and treatment resistant anxiety. This class highlights how our wellbeing is centered on our ability to connect (versus mere contact) with others.
Enrollment is rolling, meaning a person can jump into the class at any time, after having completed orientation. If joining at the beginning of the 30-weeks, then the orientation is not necessary.
The lecture topics include:
Understanding emotions and their purpose,
Using our body to become more comfortable in social settings,
How our thinking helps us and holds us back,
Being open to new situations and feedback,
and much more!
Challenges for which this training has proven effective include, but are not limited to:
Difficulty engaging in behavior without adequate preparation,
Harsh self-judgment for mistakes,
Difficulty revealing true beliefs or feelings,
Difficulty hearing feedback or criticism,
Following rules, even when they it doesn’t apply,
Hoarding (e.g., objects, information, etc),
Needing immediate fixes to problems,
Needing to be seen as competent,
Difficulty changing plans,
Persistence when its not helpful,
Low awareness of emotions and body sensations,
Striving to be in control of self,
Rarely being spontaneous,
Cautious and reserved in interactions with others,
Comparing self to others, and
Much more!
Think you might benefit from this Skills Training? Call Dr. Maynard.